Selah Center for Spiritual Formation
Understanding and experiencing God as love.
We're glad you are here!
Welcome to Selah Center for Spiritual Formation. The word “Selah” is a Hebrew word meaning “pause” or “stop and listen.” It is found throughout the psalms and in the book of the prophet, Habbakuk.
It is a call to slow things down, reflect, and allow margin as one is reading or praying the psalms. And that is our invitation to you.
Join us as we answer this call to experience more fully the presence of God.

Exploring Selah
Our desire at Selah is to offer quality online resources to those who are dedicated to serving as God's instruments. This is for any in Christian leadership in an informal or formal role, and also for those who sense a specific call to the ministry of spiritual direction.
I spent much of my life in areas that offer few resources for those in ministry. Thus, the impetus for this center was to address the need to offer spiritual sustenance to those who continually pour themselves out for the blessing of others.
Our prayer is that through our offerings, you will receive the nourishment you need.
Wide Range of
ebooks & education
Read through our offerings to learn about the contemplative Christian disciplines
Certificate in Spiritual Direction
A 15-month intensive, in partnership with the Siburt Institute.
Directory of
Spiritual Directors
Connect with graduates of our Spiritual Formation training
Our Goal
We want to put you in contact with the Creator of the universe and facilitate a way of being that allows you to open up to whatever it is that God has for you.
We do this in two ways: Education and Training.
We want to help you slow down through a contemplative orientation. This is the listening side of the conversation with God.
We so often set the agenda and do all the talking. Contemplative prayer helps remove the distractions and heed God’s voice.
We also train you to walk alongside others who are on this path through our Certificate in Spiritual Direction. We look for people to whom God has given the charism, the gift, of spiritual direction.
Through our training, we help you be intentional with that gift.